Schlaufensteg, Baar CH

Object of the month Year of construction: 2023 Client: Husner Holzbau A, Frick CH, Builder-owner: Departement Volkswirtschaft, Aarau… more

Children’s Hospital Zurich CH

Object of the month Year of construction: 2020-2023 Client: Künzli Holz AG, Davos Builder-owner: Eleonorenstiftung, Zürich… more

Renovation Hangar Farner CH

Object of the month Year of construction: 2024 Client: Rüti Holzbau AG, Rüti bei Büren CH  Builder-owner: Centaurium Aviation Ltd, Grenchen CH

New construction of Töss bridge Dillhaus, Bauma CH

Object of the month Year of construction: 2024 Client: Schindler & Scheibling AG, Uster CH Builder-owner: Gemeinde Bauma, Bauma CH … more

Aesthetics in woodwork

The high-performance connector in modern timber construction engineering


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The essential elements of the GSA technology consist of glulam, epoxy resin and steel.


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